The Moon

The Moon

The sky was extremely clear last night and I could see the moon perfectly, so I decided to attempt taking some photographs of the moon for the first time. I felt a bit silly standing at the side of the road with my tripod and camera but it was also really peaceful taking photographs in the nighttime without anything around to…

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Reading and Watching Lately #1

Reading and Watching Lately #1

Reading 1. Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher 2. Love Letters to the Dead by Ava Dellaira 3. If I Stay and Where She Went by Gale Forman 4. Split Second by Sophie McKenzie 5. Lost and Found Trilogy by Nicole Williams Watching 1. The Fault In Our Stars 2. What If 3. If I Stay I have read quite…

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Nails #3

Nails #3

There is so much beautiful nail art popping up on my feed lately and Sarah’s post inspired me to do something a little different with my nails this week. Sometimes it’s nice to have a change from the usual one colour mani. Although my nails really do need a manicure. My friend told me about a great website which you…

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