My pets are a very important part of my life. Nick and I have four guinea pigs and I love them all to pieces. Before owning guinea pigs I never imagined they would bring me so much joy and happiness. Guinea pigs are great pets, they have distinctive personalities, they love attention (and food) as they’re very sociable creatures and they make the most adorable noises. I love nothing more than coming home from a long day at work and having cuddles with my piggies, they make everything better. I really enjoy taking photos of my guinea pigs; here are a few I’ve taken recently. Of course, they have their ups and downs, especially when you need a canister vacuum to help clean up hay, pellets and everything else.
Sooty was adopted on the 17th of October in 2010 (with Patch who sadly passed away late last year), he was between 6-8 weeks old when adopted. Sooty is an English Cavy with smooth, short black hair and no crests or rosettes.
Dusty was adopted on the 2nd of December 2013. He is an English Cavy with smooth short hair; however he is also an Agouti which means that he has multiple shades of colour on each hair. Overall his hair looks grey, but when you look closely at the strands of hair they are mottled with grey, white and black which is really beautiful.
On the 9th of February 2014 we adopted Rusty and Tufty. Rusty is a Ridgeback Cavy, he has a long Mohican down his back which is rather lovable and is also part Agouti. Some of Rusty’s patches of hair are mottled with orange, browns and blacks (hence the agouti).
Tufty is an Abyssinian Cavy, he is covered in rosettes – tufts of hair. His colouring reminds me a bit of a zebra and he has the most stunning three grey stripes next to his left eye.
I feel very fortunate to have adopted such good-natured boys and have never had any issues with their temperament or behaviour. Sure, they’ve given us the odd nibble but they soon grow out of it! Owning guinea pigs is very rewarding and I wouldn’t change them for the world!
I also have a hamster called Milo, he is harder to photograph as is asleep most of the day in their Great guinea pig cage and doesn’t sit still when he is awake! When I manage to snap a few decent photos I promise to share them with you.
For more photos (and a few videos) of my pets please see my Instagram – it’s inundated with photos of my boys. I started this Instagram page after one of my friends told me that it was becoming a lot more popular to create these accounts for your pets. She said that lots of people do it, and that I could think about doing it for my guinea pigs. At first, it was difficult to build an audience as there are so many pet accounts on there now, however, my friend told me that I could always get more instagram followers with nitreo if I was really struggling to build this account. Eventually, I began to get more and more followers. My friend even told me that some people can start earning money from collaborating with various pet businesses on sponsored posts too. For me, Instagram is more of a hobby, but who knows where we’ll end up in the future!
What pets do you have? I’d love to hear all about them.
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Brilliant photos! I wish my pets would keep still enough for me to even attempt to photograph them!!x
Thank you :) what pets do you have? x